With Thanksgiving Day almost upon us and our “23 Days of Thanksgiving” series entering its final days, we at Daps Magic are grateful to you for following our journey of gratitude! Today, I have the chance to express my thankfulness for one of my favorite things at Disneyland—the changing of the seasons.
My first Disneyland Annual Pass was a birthday gift in 2007. I have been blessed to continue regular visits during the years since. One of the most striking things I’ve been impressed with about the Disneyland Resort over the years is not its attractions, its entertainment, or even its nighttime spectaculars. It’s the grace and beauty with which the Resort transforms from season to season (due to lots of hard work from its amazing Cast Members!). I love seeing the transitions from the new start of winter into the promise of the spring, through to the carefree days of summer followed by the delightful spookiness of the fall, and finally to the elegance and majesty of the holidays.
Every season has its own charm and unique sparkle. For instance, I love the jubilance of the Lunar New Year celebration each January. The overlay of its bright red lanterns bring so much life to the often-dark winter season. I always enjoy a good rain storm, and the winter season tends to provide them. The way the lights reflect on the pavement adds such an extra layer of shine to the parks. The glisten seems as if Tinkerbell herself sprinkles extra pixie dust over everything she sees!
The horticulture of the Disneyland Resort is on full display during the spring. It’s hard not to fall under the spell of the blossoms that surge forth from everywhere around—trees, flower beds, hanging baskets, and planters. It’s an annual tradition among the Daps Magic team to seek out and photograph peak bloom of the Tabebuia (or Pink Trumpet) trees. Their luxuriant flowers make the Hub absolutely radiate with springtime energy. Every year I am so thankful to witness their glory.
Summer brings patriotism and frivolity to the parks. I always enjoy seeing the red, white, and blue bunting go up in honor of our country. The pomp and circumstance is the perfect backdrop for the magnificence of the military bands and fireworks shows that are to follow. The summer season also brings an air of relaxation with its warmth. The kids are out of school and the parks are abuzz with activity from locals and visitors alike. As if offering a cap to the long days, fantastic sunsets often drape the sky during the summer, another feature I always savor.
Just when the summer starts to wear out its welcome, I can count on fall and Halloween Time to take over at the Disneyland Resort. It always feels like such a relief to see the pumpkins go up on Main Street, U.S.A. and the bats pour from the belfry of Carthay Circle Restaurant tower. They mean that cooler weather is not far off, along with one of my favorite events of the year, Oogie Boogie Bash. Spooky season at the Disneyland Resort is full of neon and artfully-placed shadows, perfect to jangle the senses in just the right way.
But perhaps the biggest event of the year, the one that I look forward to without fail, is the celebration of the holidays at the Disneyland Resort. Daps Magic team member Roger Rabbit described his love for the holidays on Day 9 here, and it is definitely worth a read if you haven’t done so already. There is something mesmerizing about the way the Disneyland Resort is dressed up for the occasion. Every land and attraction has its own custom decorations, with new details to spot every year. The elegance of the garlands across Main Street U.S.A., the thousands of sparkling fairy lights at every turn, and the winter majesty on Sleeping Beauty Castle are just some of the reasons why I am eternally grateful for the holiday season at Disneyland.
I feel so very thankful and blessed to be able to observe the Disneyland Resort throughout the year and to recall the good things each interval brings. Below are a selection of the photos I’ve taken during each season of 2023. Every one of these photos brings back a memory that is precious to me, in the place and with the people that I love. During this season of togetherness, I hope you’ll take a moment to reflect on what and/or who brings you special joy and appreciation. Please share what you’re thankful for in the comments below! On behalf of the entire Daps Magic team, I wish you and yours a happy and safe Thanksgiving!



Fall and Halloween
