Happy Thanksgiving

A Big Thank You On Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! This is one of my favorite holidays of the year. For me it is a chance to slow down and reflect on what I’m thankful for and express gratitude. Today, I’d like to do that here in Japan as well. This year, in particular, I am incredibly thankful to the community that surrounds Daps Magic. They truly make the world a better place I think as we all focus and celebrate together Disney and positive stuff.

Mr. Daps at Nikko, Japan

The community that I would like to thank includes those who read our posts, watch our videos, support our efforts, write our articles, film videos, take photos, help with travel arrangements, act as sounding boards, help with the technology, or always have a kind word to share. This includes our Buddy Pals that have been such a central part of the GEEKS CORNER community as well through the years. All of you bring so much light to the world, each in your own individual way.

I also want to thank all of the loved ones who have supported the dream of Daps Magic through the years. There are too many to mention so I’m not going to do so by name. I am going to say that I’m thankful for each and every one of you. You have helped us get to where we are today. You have helped build the foundation for what Daps Magic has become, each in your own way. As Daps Magic continues to grow and evolve, you are the ones who have often helped mold that growth.

Another group I cannot forget is those I get to work with in the media. Through the years, there have been so many people I get to work with. Some of these people are incredible press/media reps and others are on the journalists that I’ve gotten to cover stories with through the years. Each and every one of you have made this adventure that is Daps Magic so much better, so much more fun, and helped us continually cover and create more quality content.

On Thanksgiving it is a time to give thanks. I want you to know that if you are reading this, I’m thankful for you. You are a part of this community called Daps Magic and you are helping make the world a little better as we focus on Disney and positive stuff and strive to #keepkind. I hope you know that you are a valued part of this community and that you make a difference. I hope that in the future we continue to grow this community and have more happy memories and stories to be thankful for. I hope that you will be a part of it and most importantly know that you are valued in this community.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mr. Daps