Construction on the Downtown Disney District transformation continues at an exciting place. While there is still quite some time to go before it is completed, each week there are new things to see as walls go up, roofs get added, and the bigger picture of what the area will look like comes into focus. One of the exciting buildings to look at each week is the progression of the future Din Tai Fung restaurant.
On September 17, 2023, Daps Magic team member Angela (who’s birthday is today, Happy Birthday!) took a ride on the Monorail to document the progress being made on the transformation of Downtown Disney District. Check out both the photos and video that she took while traveling aboard the highway in the sky. There are definitely differences that can be found from the last update. Also, take a moment to wish her a happy birthday in the comments below!

The transformation of Downtown Disney District at the Disneyland Resort is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. While there is a lot of progress being made, there is still quite a ways to go. Daps Magic will continue to document this progress regularly. The transformation has already seen some exciting updates completed, this includes the Jazz Kitchen Patio & Grill. The Alley outside of Splitsville is now also open and guests are enjoying it regularly.
When it is completed, it appears that this western end of Downtown Disney District will look very similar to the concept art that was previously shared. It won’t be exact, however (it never is, hence why it is called concept art). The whole thing could change too if the DisneylandForward project is approved next year by the City of Anaheim. An environmental impact report was recently submitted to the city and gave some clues as to what could be coming to the western end of the Disneyland Resort (surrounding this area) in the future. There is a long ways to go before any of this becomes official and then a reality.

To see all of the construction updates that Daps Magic has documented through this transformation progress, visit the GUIDES page on Daps Magic. It shows both these construction updates, the weekly Refurbishment Report, and other information!
What do you think of the progress being made on Downtown Disney District’s transformation at the Disneyland Resort? What are you most excited about? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!