The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District is reconsidering its plan to eliminate annual pass perks for its employees. At a meeting on Wednesday night, district administrator Glen Gilzean shared that the district is looking for an alternative solution for its employees Walt Disney World Annual Pass benefits.

This update comes after Gilzean emailed employees last month saying that the Annual Passholder perks were being elminated. This comes after the board for the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District received a bill from Walt Disney World for $2.5 million in theme park tickets and discounts that were given to employees of the district.
Gilzean said in the August email, “In the proposed FY 2024 budget, I have incorporated funding for a new stipend program that allows for individualized flexibility rather than underserving employees with a one-size-fits-all approach.” The new stipend program would instead give district employees approximately $1,000 per year. According to the email, only 50% of the district’s employees actually used the Walt Disney World Annual Pass perk.
The reaction to the email was less than positive. With Annual Passes at Walt Disney World Resort Annual Passes ranging in price from $400 to $1400, depending on the tier of pass chosen, it was seen as taking away benefits by many. Firefighters and retirees were particularly vocal in their opposition.
During the board meeting for the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, Gilzean shared that the district was working on developing reasonable solutions, and that they were making progress. Gilzean said, “We received feedback on the stipend amount, and we’re working with the board of supervisors to increase the initial proposal now and making it more equitable.”
One of the ideas that is being considered would allow teams to purchase passes directly from the operating participant program. Gilzean said that he expects to unveil the numbers for this idea during the September 27th board meeting. It is unkown how employees will react to this idea, or others that are in the works.