After a Few Days with Hey Disney! A Review of the New Service


Hey Disney! is a new feature produced by Disney for Amazon Echo devices. The service allows users to say “Hey Disney” to access several activities and features on their devices. I was able to receive a complimentary subscription from attending the Destination D23 event when it was first announced. When I got the code I installed it and have since spent a few days using it. Here are my thoughts of the service!


There are quite a few activities and services available through Hey Disney! Weather, alarms, and timers are available for practical application. Each of those has a Disney touch to it. Timers are initiated by Disney characters and they will let you know when the time is up also. Alarms will wake you up with characters too. Weather includes some fun messages from a variety of characters after the main voice explains the day.

The game type activities in the service include a trivia game and “Play along adventure.” In the just fun type category is having a selection of stories, getting messages from characters, joke telling, and soundscapes.


The activities are surprisingly fun. The stories can be short or long and have some great fun to them. They are themed to a variety of settings, and the theme parks being one of them. The jokes are very Disney-centric, and a little cheesy, but nice to have. The Messages and Play along adventures have some quick play fun to them that have some enjoyability.

The trivia has merit to it, and even the trivia game can bring in some challenge to seasoned Disney fans. But, it’s the soundscapes that have really got my attention. It’s not quite a soundtrack, though does have some familiar music. There are two theme park soundscapes, one being a generic Disneyland-type atmosphere, and the other is a Pirates themed one. They both have some sounds that many park goers will recognize. It also has some good background music to it too. It’s not a very accurate atmosphere soundtrack, but it’s enough that it’s so nice to have on while doing some chores or work.


With the price being $5.99 per year, it is a good deal to have a little automated Disney fun at home. The soundscapes are nice to have, and is worth the price alone. The price is less than buying an album and the soundscapes really fill in that park desire without being there. Other features that I’ve really liked is having some Muppets adventures and narrations. It’s great to have them at home and nearly fully interactive.

It really is not a bad price for Disney fans to get that Disney feel with some home devices. And there is plenty to do that it’s easy to find something to do throughout the day and everyday. Plus, why not have some characters count down a timer for you?

The Hey Disney! subscription is for Amazon Echo Devices, and there are some that it won’t work on. So, be sure to check and see if your device is compatible before subscribing.

Have you used the Hey Disney! subscription? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

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