Christmas time for many is a time for parties, checking out Christmas lights, decorating Christmas trees, and watching Christmas classics. One of the Christmas classics that has been a tradition for as long as I can remember is A Charlie Brown Christmas.

For many years, A Charlie Brown Christmas could be found on network TV. Some years it seemed like this program was on more than others. But, in general, if you kept your eyes open, you could catch and/or record this special to watch at some point during the Christmas season.
Things have changed in recent years, however. Now, the Charlie Brown specials are all found on Apple TV+. In 2018, Apple purchased the rights for the various Peanuts specials, including A Charlie Brown Christmas. For many, this could be a hindrance. Who wants to subscribe to a new service just for a Christmas classic? Thankfully, there is another way.

Apple TV+ is offering A Charlie Brown Christmas for free from December 22 through Christmas Day. Anyone can watch it without having to pay for a subscription.
A Charlie Brown Christmas debuted on December 9, 1965, on CBS. It became an instant classic and fans have been watching annually it now for nearly 60 years. Do you watch this Christmas special each Christmas? What is your favorite part of it? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!