Remembering the Last Show of Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple Four Years Later

On November 4, 2018 Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple had its final training show in Tomorrowland. This show, which taught younglings, the ways of the Jedi inspired guests young and old during its run at the Disneyland Resort. During the process, the Padawans would learn to face their fears as they found themselves facing two of the scariest characters from Star Wars.

The training began with a Jedi Master and Apprentice arriving on the stage in Tomorrowland and looking for the Jedi Temple. After discovering it and opening it, young aspiring Padawans were chosen to learn the ways of The Force. They are given Jedi robes and lightsabers to learn with. After learning some basic lightsaber skills, the young Padawans would find themselves facing off against Darth Vader or Kylo Ren. Along the way, they would get the support of Jedi Master Yoda and other Force users in the audience. The show would end with the lesson learned of not letting fear have any power over oneself. With this lesson learned, reaming calm, and controlling one’s emotions the Dark Side of The Force suddenly isn’t nearly as powerful.

While this show has not been at the Disneyland Resort for four years now, the Force remains with it always. Here is a look at the final show both in the form of video and photos. There are more photos included than normally because it really was a special show that was full of heart and emotion. Those who brought this show to life really put their heart and soul into it, and it showed.

The final show was a powerful experience in so many ways with so many beautiful moments and memories made. Please enjoy remembering the final show of Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple. Share your memories of this show in the comments as well! Thank you to the cast members and crew who brought the teachings of the Jedi to Tomorrowland.

Final Show – Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple

Photo Gallery of Final Show – Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple