On Sunday, May 15, 2022, the lunar eclipse could be seen rising over Avengers Campus. Also, there was Moon Knight, who was making appearances near the Quinjet. The result was a night of people looking at the sky in Avengers Campus, many of them photographers with tripods.
The moon began to rise over the horizon to the East of Avengers Campus shortly after 8:00 PM. As time went on, it got higher and higher in the sky. It also got progressively redder. Eventually, it could be seen slowly beginning to reveal itself from behind the Quinjet. As this progressed through the night, Moon Knight made several appearances at various points. Towards the end of the night, the lunar eclipse appeared behind Moon Knight, creating an incredible moment.
By the time Disney California Adventure had closed, a sliver of white light began to show like the Cheshire Cat’s smile. Within minutes it grew and the moon looked more like it normally does as it began to reappear from behind the Earth’s shadow. Within a half-hour of the park closing, clouds also began to appear in the sky.
The whole experience was quite magnificent for those who took the time to watch it happen. Both guests and cast members could be seen staring into the Eastern sky to watch this rare occurrence. The next Lunar Eclipse will happen on November 8, 2022. A lunar eclipse happens when the Moon is obscured from the sun by the Earth’s shadow. It can only happen when the Earth, Sun, and Moon are either exactly or very closely aligned with the Earth being between the other two. This can only happen when there is a full moon and when the moon is near either lunar node. A lunar eclipse can be viewed from anywhere in the night sky.