Starting June 15 Out of State Visitors Can Return to Disneyland and the Reservation Window Has Expanded

Disneyland has announced that starting June 15, out of state visitors can return to the Disneyland Resort. Until that date, only California residents will be allowed into the parks with a valid ticket and park reservation. On June 15, the park reservation will continue, but will not be restricted to California residents. Disneyland asks that all other guidelines be adhered to up until June 15, such as having groups no larger than 3 households.

The park reservation window has expanded from when you can make a reservation for a particular date. It expands from 60 days to 120 days before a date. This means that park pass reservations will continue after the June 15 date into the known future.

For more information, here is the link to the Disney Parks Blog announcement detailing this change.