Disneyland’s 35th anniversary year was coming to a close, and there was only one thing that could definitively draw the curtain on the Party Gras: the holidays. Christmas had been exuberantly celebrated at Disneyland from its very first year, and 1990 was no exception.
Christmas is a season of giving, and Disneyland wanted to be sure that guests would be able to find just the right gift for that special someone. This month we will be looking at a somewhat rare brochure, filled with 35th anniversary souvenirs. It’s time to take your pick from everything the park had to offer, from high end watches and 14k gold charms, to key chains and fanny packs.

Now that you have seen it all, from the wristwatches to the tote bag, it’s time to say goodbye to Disneyland’s 35th anniversary celebration. Unless, of course, you have a hankering to order something. And as to that, here it is, the handy order form. It seems doubtful that Disneyland Merchandise Guest Services would still be fulfilling any orders, but I do note there is no expiration date on the form. Best wishes and bon chance!