Disney Parks Moms Panel Now planDisney

Today Disney announced an update to the Disney Parks Moms Panel. It is being replaced by planDisney. This resource offers guests a chance to get questions answered by experienced Disney parks guests.

The new planDisney panel is the next step in the evolution of the Disney Parks Moms Panel. It is billed as a “go-to resource for all your Disney vacation planning needs.” Questions can be asked on the planDisney website or previous questions can be searched. There is an archive of more than 200,000 answers and words of advice. This panel is kept up to date on the latest information and ready to be a resource for first-time guests or long-time fans returning for their hundredth time.

The panel, much like the Disney Parks Mom Panel, was picked through a search process. It includes moms, dads, grandparents, and also adults without kids. They are comprised of quite a range of different professions. This includes doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, and yoga instructors to name a few. The important part is that they are Disney guests. This group is passionate and has years of personal experience planning their own Disney vacations so that they can in turn help other Disney guests.


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For those wanting to utilize the help of planDisney, there are a few different options. To get a specific question answered, visit planDisneypanel.com. Panelists will answer questions about Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort, Disney Cruise Line, and Disney Vacation Club membership. With the panelists coming from around the world, questions can be answered in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

There are also previously asked questions that can be explored on this website as well. There are some popular questions highlighted on the site. Along with that, the “Panel Extras” page offers more resources like videos, quick tips, top 10 lists, blog posts, and other resources.

For those wanting to save answers to questions, there is a “Saved Answers” feature to allow guests to not have to search and research the same thing every time they visit planDisney. “Meet the Panel” gives more information about each panelist. It also gives the opportunity for visitors to ask specific panelists questions.

This next iteration of the Disney Parks Moms Panel will continue to be a resource for those looking for answers ahead of their next Disney visit. What do you think of the new name and approach to answering Disney travel questions by the now planDisney panel? Share your thoughts in the comments below or with DAPS MAGIC on Facebook or Twitter!