20th Century Fox Logo

Disney Drops Fox From Recently Purchased Brands

Disney has dropped the Fox name from a couple of its brands it recently purchased. According to Variety, the Fox name is being dropped from 20th Century Fox which Disney purchased last year. It will also be dropped from Fox Searchlight Pictures. The result will be that the two units will be named 20th Century Studios and Searchlight Pictures.

The changes currently are only impacting the movie side of the 21st Century Fox assets that Disney purchased from Rupert Murdoch. It is unknown if the 20th Century Fox Television and Fox 21 Television Studios will receive new names as well. Variety is reporting that there are talks about what that could look like happening.

It comes as no surprise that the Fox brand name is being dropped by The Walt Disney Company. As time moves forward, the company will want to move further away from Murdoch’s company that still utilizes the Fox brand. While it won’t change things drastically, it will mean is that logos for these studios will change. This includes the iconic 20th Century Fox logo that has been used with the fanfare written by Alfred Newman for movies, perhaps most notably for the original Star Wars.

What do you think of Disney dropping the Fox branding from the recently purchased properties? Share your thoughts in the comments below!