Title and First Trailer Released for Star Wars: Episode IX!

The first trailer and title have been released for Star Wars: Episode IX. Both were released during a panel dedicated to the movie at Star Wars Celebration Chicago. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the name for this movie. Watch the trailer here:

Star Wars Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker Teaser

“Every generation has a legend” the screen showed after hearing Luke share they passed on all they know and how this is “your fight” to apparently Daisy Ridley. It appears that she is in a fight against Kylo Ren in a Tie Fighter, with her having only a lightsaber. Then a montage of scenes from the movie shows all of the main characters from the film, including Carrie Fisher. “We’ll always be with you. No one’s ever really gone.” The trailer ends with laughter by the Emporer.

Star Wars Celebration - Star Wars: The Rise of SkywalkerSo what do you think?

Watching this teaser trailer has me definitely stoked for this movie. It appears to be the perfect exclamation point for forty years of the Skywalker Saga. It is amazing seeing all the different characters in different locations throughout this quick trailer. Then seeing Lando in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon took things to a whole new level of awesome. It appears that it is going to pull from all four decades of the films with nods to the past everywhere, while definitely taking these characters forward to whatever their ending is. Speaking of endings, the Emperor laughing at the end of this teaser gave me chills. It was awesome! I can’t wait to see how he ends up in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! I cannot wait to see this film when it arrives in theaters on December 20th!

What did you think about the teaser? What do you think about the title? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Read more about the Star Wars: Episode IX panel here.