21st Century Fox

Disney Announces March 20 as Closing Date For 21st Century Fox Acquisition

After a long process, the Walt Disney Company has officially announced a date for the Fox acquisition! The Walt Disney Company, which had to receive approval from regulators in Mexico this week, has said that the merger with 21st Century Fox will become official next week.

Disney said it expects the union to “become effective at 12:02 a.m. Eastern time on March 20.” The completion of this deal also signals the emergence of Fox Corporation on March 19. Fox Corporation is the new entity to emerge from the 21st Century Fox assets that Disney is not buying.

This move will not only result in Disney acquiring the rights to Fox’s film and television studios, including the Avatar franchise but also a number of popular Marvel characters like X-Men and Deadpool. 21 Century Fox also owns a stake in Hulu, which means that Disney will be acquiring that as well. Marvel Studios announced last month that they would be putting four new series on the streaming platform. This gives Disney an opportunity to maintain the family-friendly brand on the Disney+ Streaming Service while also using some of the new properties.

Of course, we are excited to see where this historic merger takes Disney in the future. What are you most looking forward to? Connect with us on Twitter and Facebook and let us know what you think!