Disney Film Production Chief Talks Behind the Scenes of Remaking Classic Disney Movies

In an era of remaking Disney classic films, fans start to worry that these new films won’t live up to what they knew. Sean Bailey, the Disney Film Production Chief is here to assure Disney fans that not only are your favorite films in good hands but you won’t be seeing a frame for frame remake of the animated classic.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the first thing Bailey discusses is The Lion King. While this film is highly anticipated, many fans have criticized it for not showing us anything new. Many fans have even gone as far as saying the new movie isn’t necessary. Bailey recognizes this and responds with “The Lion King is a revered and beloved movie, so you’d better revere and love those parts that the audience wants. But there are things in the movie that are going to be new.”

He also recognizes that some people are harsh critics of what the studios are currently doing. “All these stories have something timeless about them. […] We had our interpretation for this time. […] Someone I’m sure will interpret it differently 20 years from now.”

For the future of Disney remakes? Nothing is really off limits. Bailey comments on the matter and ties in Maleficent “I don’t know, because we might hear something that excites us. Take Maleficent. She was a character who cursed a baby because she didn’t get an invitation to a party, and we thought, ‘this is interesting.’ We made a movie, and now we are making another movie. We will continue to play around in ways that I hope are interesting and unexpected.”

While the future of Disney movies may always be unpredictable to us, we definitely trust that these new films are in responsible hands that care about the source material. Take a look up the teaser for the upcoming Lion King and let us know what you think!