Saying Goodbye – Sundays with DAPs

It’s the time of year where transitions are happening at the Disneyland Resort. Orange is being replaced by red and green throughout Disneyland and Disney California Adventure. As Halloween says goodbye and Christmas says hello, the seasons weren’t the only things making transitions. This year there were some other things changing. These are what this Sunday was focused on for the DAPS MAGIC team.

The bulk of the day was spent in Tomorrowland in Disneyland watching Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple. After 12 years, this show was taking its last bow at the Disneyland Resort. The DAPS MAGIC team arrived in the early afternoon and watched the final three performances. As the afternoon progressed, more and more people arrived to say goodbye. For me personally, I saw friends that I hadn’t seen in years. All of these amazing people were brought together for this bittersweet day. It was a celebration of a show that the Force has always been strong with. There was also a sense of sadness at having to say goodbye.

By the time the final show began at 4:35, the whole Tomorrowland Terrace area was packed as people crowded in to watch the end of this era. The show was one of the most energetic that has ever been seen on that stage. To say the Force was strong with this performance would be a massive understatement. As the show came to an end the crowd went crazy, tears were shed and evening fell on Tomorrowland.

I can remember a dozen years ago when this show began. It ignited my imagination to life as I saw Jedi facing off against Darth Vader! It brought Star Wars to life in a way I had never even considered could happen. Sure, I’d seen characters through the parks for most of my life. I hadn’t ever considered that people could be a part of the story as opposed to just meeting characters from stories. I suddenly wished I was in elementary school again so that I could face that terrifying Sith Lord. As I watched the final show at Disneyland (it still is going on at Disney’s Hollywood Studios currently), I found myself again wishing I could be a kid and face off against Darth Vader. Perhaps that dream will still come to life someday, we’ll see.

One more note on this show. While it is common to see cast members come together in various shows and locations, this cast seemed to be tighter knit than most I have seen in recent years. There is a deep familial connection that is apparent to those of us watching from the outside. It is a beautiful connection that seems like it is probably based off the ideals of the Jedi and a recognition of how this show has really helped so many younglings face their fears, beyond the fears they faced on that stage. Yes, this was an entertaining show. It also was a show that helped impart life lessons on young padawans. That is something that I think Walt Disney would have been very proud of if he had watched this show.

Another show that was saying goodbye this week was the Pixar Play Parade. This may or may not be a permanent goodbye. However, with Soundsational coming back to Disneyland next year the future of Pixar Play Parade (if there is one) has not been announced. Shortly after the ending of the final Jedi Training performance, the team made its way over to Main Street, USA to watch the final Pixar Play Parade.

On Main Street, USA the DAPS MAGIC team met up with some friends who read/follow the site. It was wonderful getting to chat with them and experience the parade together. It was also fun to watch Pixar Play Parade at night as it danced its way through the park. Night parades always add an extra element of magic to the experience!

After watching Pixar Play Parade it was time to head to Disney California Adventure for dinner and some Dapper Day photos! Yes, Sunday was Dapper Day and of course, we didn’t forget about it! After enjoying dinner at Paradise Garden Grill it was time to enjoy exploring Disney California Adventure and take some fun photos!

As the night drew to a close, we made our way to the parking lot and to our respective homes. It was a beautiful day with a bunch of fantastic people! Next Sunday we will be sharing from the Disneyland Resort after the holidays have completely taken over it. What is your favorite offering during the holidays at the Disneyland Resort? Let us know in the comments below! Also, let us know your thoughts about Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple saying goodbye. Do you think it is gone for good? Will there be something new and similar replacing it? Let us know what you think! Make it a great week everybody! We’ll see you in the parks!