Look Behind the Scenes of SOLO: A Star Wars Story and the Knowledge Behind It

SOLO: A Star Wars Story is here! With it comes so many exciting ways to see how the film came to life.

Star Wars is one of the most well known and respected series in all of the galaxy and with that comes a lot of lore! The little bit behind the scenes shows the relationship between Lawrence Kasdan, executive producer, and Jonathan Kasdan, writer, and how they worked to make the story come alive. Jonathan touches on how he’s a “nerd” and can tell you everything about the galaxy from the extended universe to the main trilogies.

I personally think this is such a fun extra as it reminds us how much work and love goes into these movies that we cherish. The production team isn’t just a cold, objective group of folks writing a Star Wars film. It’s a bunch of fans that truly care about the mark they are making on the Star Wars universe and how it will affect the stories we see in the future.

Check out this bonus feature below and let us know what you think!

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