To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past…and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America…with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world. – Walt Disney
Today is Disneyland’s 63rd birthday. 63 years ago today Walt Disney said, “To all who come to this happy place, welcome.” With those nine words, he changed the world. This was the culmination of a lifetime of dreaming. It was the realization of a dream that would continue to live on past the man who initially had the dream. This dream not only inspired those in attendance and those watching on TV, it continues to inspire people from around the globe decades later.
Walt Disney’s dream inspires people to dream bigger, hope for better, reach inside themselves to do more. It’s a dream the continues to live on today and is bigger and better than ever before. It has changed the theme park industry and the entertainment industry today.
Walt Disney’s dream of Disneyland was realized on July 17, 1955. For the first time, people were able to see Disneyland and experience that magic of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy as envisioned by Walt Disney himself. While the initial day may not have gone perfectly, it didn’t matter. The dream was released to the world and the world grabbed ahold of it.
63 years later, thousands of guests make the trek to Disneyland on July 17. For some, this is an opportunity to experience a special moment. For others, it’s a way of connecting with Walt Disney and honoring his legacy. Whatever the reason is, it is a special day at Disneyland. It’s a day to celebrate how Walt Disney’s dream continues to grow and thrive!
“Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world” – Walt Disney
Disneyland continues to celebrate imagination and grow. A lot has changed in the last 63 years. It is quite possible that even more will change in the coming 63 years. One thing has always remained the same though and that the dream continues to grow. The imagination and innovation that has come from The Walt Disney Company continue to get better. Dreams continue to come true for those visiting Disney Theme Parks around the globe. The foundation of quality and family-friendly entertainment that Walt Disney built continues to reach new heights.
As we celebrate Disneyland’s 63rd birthday. It is fun to look at where Disneyland came from. It is equally fun to look at where it is going. New lands with new Disney magic are coming to the Disneyland Resort. New innovations and experiences will come with them. Where the Disneyland Resort is going is a very exciting destination. Walt Disney’s dream continues to live on and grow. I, for one, can’t wait to see what comes next!
What are you most excited about for the Disneyland Resort’s future? What is your favorite memory of the past? Let us know in the comments below!
MATTERHORN MODEL (1958) — Walt Disney reviews a model for the Matterhorn Bobsleds which opened in 1959 at a height of 147 feet.
DISNEYLAND RAILROAD (1966) — One of Disneyland’s original attractions from opening day and arguably Walt Disney’s personal favorite, the trains of the Disneyland Railroad have Òcovered enough trackÓ in 50 years to circle the earth more than 200 times. The trains provide guests an overall view of the park as well as the Grand Canyon and Primeval World dioramas.
OPENING DAY (1955) -Ð This is a rare color image of opening day taken outside the Main Entrance of Disneyland.
SLEEPING BEAUTY CASTLE UNDER CONSTRUCTION (1955) Ð Two months before she “awoke” to opening day visitors, this Disneyland landmark was getting a few final touches from construction workers. Walt Disney wanted this castle to be a friendly and welcoming presence in his park so it was built on a smaller scale than its European counterparts.
DISNEYLAND UNVEILED (1954) -Ð In front of an early rendering by Disney legend Peter Ellenshaw, Walt Disney unveils his plans for Disneyland to a national television audience during the premiere of ÒDisneylandÓ the television show, October 27, 1954.
FUTURE SITE OF DISNEYLAND Ð- Originally covered with orange groves and made up of parcels of land owned by 17 different people, Walt Disney purchased 160 acres in Anaheim to build his dream of a place where parents and children could have fun Ð together.
DISNEYLAND HOTEL (1961) — The Disneyland Hotel opened across the street from Disneyland in 1955, but was built and owned by WaltÕs friend, Jack Wrather until purchased from The Wrather Corporation in 1988. The Disneyland Monorail track was expanded in 1961 to transport guests to and from the hotel, making it the only monorail in the country to cross a public street.
OPENING DAY DEDICATION (1955) -Ð Walt Disney reads the Disneyland dedication plaque before a national television audience; ÒTo all who come to this happy place – welcomeÉÓ
TOMORROWLAND UNDER CONSTRUCTION (1955) -Ð Only days before opening day, a crane lifts the ÒRocket to the MoonÓ during construction of Tomorrowland.
MAIN SREET UNDER CONSTRUCTION (1955) Ð- Workers prepare to pour cement where the northern edge of Town Square meets Main Street USA.
AMERICAÕS PRINCESS — Former child star and future diplomat Shirley Temple joins Walt Disney at the opening of the Sleeping Beauty Castle walkthrough at Disneyland on April 29, 1957. The walkthrough, located inside the iconic castle, featured the story of Disney’s ‘Sleeping Beauty’ told through a series of dioramas. A new walkthrough will open in Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland in time for the December holidays.
OPENING DAY, FANTASYLAND (1955) -Ð Hundreds of children run through Sleeping Beauty Castle after the long-awaited lowering of the drawbridge into Fantasyland.
WALT DISNEY AT THE ENCHANTED TIKI ROOM (1963) -Ð The first attraction to feature sophisticated Audio-Animatronics figures opened June 23, 1963. The show features more than 200 birds, tikis and flowers. (Disneyland Resort)
MAD TEA PARTY (1966) — This opening day attraction, based on a scene in “Alice in Wonderland,” spins Disneyland guests in giant teacups. Pictured here at its original location, it was moved near the Matterhorn in 1983 during the construction of the new Fantasyland.
WALT DISNEY — Walt Disney “meets” some residents of the ‘itÕs a small world’ attraction at Disneyland in California, during construction in May, 1966. One of the most popular Disney attractions of all time, the show is a fun-filled and whimsical salute to the children of the world that conveys its message of peace and harmony through the international language of music.
Mr. Daps is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Daps Magic! Find Mr. Daps regularly at Disneyland with his trilby and bow tie taking pictures and simply enjoying the Happiest Place on Earth. He is the weekly host of GEEKS CORNER and your reporter for all that Disney And Positive Stuff. Find videos of all of that one the Daps Magic YouTube channel. Mr. Daps is also a Brand Ambassador with Her Universe! Find Mr. Daps on Twitter,Instagram, and Threads! If you see Mr. Daps in the parks, be sure and say hi!