Take a Look at K-2SO: The Droid With Release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Home Entertainment Release

With the home release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story there is not only the last Star Wars movie, but also some really fun extras. Some of these bonus features focus on the creation of the now-popular K-2SO droid. There was a lot shared about this droid that ranged from creation, to acting, to voicing, to the actor behind him Alan Tudyk. Here is a glimpse at some of what will be offered with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’s home entertainment offering.

ROGUE ONE | K-2SO Design

ROGUE ONE | Cardboard K-2SO Head

ROGUE ONE | Walking On Stilts

ROGUE ONE | K-2SO’s British Accent

Read our Rogue One: A Star Wars Story home entertainment review here. Will you be getting this movie for your collection?