Dapper Day Tips

Dapper Day Survival Guide: 5 Tips for Surviving the Most Dapper of Days at the Disneyland Resort

Dapper Day is upon us! Soon the Disneyland Resort will be filled with people dressed their best as they go for a Sunday stroll through the parks. It will be a day full of smiles, photo ops, and memories but it can also be a day full of blisters, exhaustion, and frustration if it isn’t approached properly. Seeing that every Sunday is Dapper Day for me, I thought I would share a few tips to help make Dapper Day not just survivable but incredibly enjoyable.

  1. Choose Clothing Wisely – Choose your outfit with care. Consider the weather and the distance you will walk when visiting Disneyland dressed to the nines. Whatever you wear you will be committing to for the length of your stay, make sure it is something that won’t cause you to overheat, get blisters (shoe choice is very important!), or in the evening get cold! Also make sure that your outfit fits within the Disney dress code. Remember the difference between a costume and Disney bounding along with the recognition that not all accessories will be allowed.
  2. Power Up! – Make sure that you have a plan for keeping all of your devices powered. Extra batteries, power-packs, or the Disney charging stations are all very good ideas. Make sure you have a plan so you aren’t stuck at that picture-perfect moment without any batteries!
  3. Plan Accordingly – Plan out your day with reasonable expectations. Recognize that not all outfits are are created equally so that could restrict what attractions you might fit on. Hats can fly out, dresses can get caught, and accessories can be lost. Pick where you are going and what you are going to do while at the parks and make sure it is something that you won’t regret later. While planning the day out also recognize there is only so much time in one day and there are plenty of other people trying to fill their time just like you are. That being said, don’t try to cram too much into the day and set yourself up for disappointment.
  4. Hydrate – Make sure and drink lots of water! If  you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated and need to drink more. Take the time to take care of yourself. I have seen people who haven’t and it is no fun to deal with the consequences of dehydration!
  5. Attitude is Everything! – Choose to have fun! It is supposed to be a day of fun so make it that. Not everything will be perfect, that will be ok. Enjoy the spirit of the day and the friends that you come with and choose to look past the things that aren’t quite so perfect. What you focus on will grow so focus on the positives of the day!

Dapper Day is one of the most fun days to go to the Disneyland Resort. Not only is it fun to dress up, it’s fun to see everyone else who has also done the same! The DAPs Magic/Geeks Corner team will be at the Disneyland Resort for Dapper Day. Make sure to find the team and get a photo together! It will be a fantastic day and the whole team wants to share it with you!

Make it a GREAT day!

  • Mr. DAPs