Welcome to another week of Geeks Corner! This week we are very excited to be able to geek out about the introduction of Ilvermorny from the world of Harry Potter. Geeks Corner is lucky to have one of the foremost experts on the subject on hand and Melanie explains everything there is to know about this new magical school and the houses one can be sorted into. She also explains how the whole system works! So, grab your butter beer, pull up a chair, and get ready for your house test with Melanie’s tutorial.
Cameron introduces a new segment called Origin Story. This will be an ongoing series of videos and blogs about improving oneself within the context of the superhero world. There will be some absolutely fantastic things happening that you will not want to miss!
While on the subject of introducing new segments, Mr. DAPs also introduced a new segment that he will be collaborating with Kellie of Pretty Little Bakers on. In A Little Sip of Baking Magic, the two will show how create treats and suggest coffee pairing to go with them! The first segment will be Star Wars themed in honor of Star Wars Celebration!
Finally, we would like to take a few seconds to geek out about the Fourth of July. As Independence Day draws near here in the United States, we take a few minutes to pick out our favorite patriotic character. Do you have one?
We hope you enjoy this week’s episode of Geeks Corner! If ever you have ideas for future episodes, please tweet at us with the hashtag #GeeksCorner or leave a message in the comments section below.
Let’s go to the corner![podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4479974/height/450/width/700/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”450″ width=”700″]