Disney Dollars and Sense – Geeks Corner – Episode 533

Welcome to Geeks Corner! This week there is a lot going away and we have to make… does it make Disney dollars and sense? Before we get into all of that though, we must wish our very own barista Caitie a huge congratulations for her success today in a coffee competition! That done, we move on to the topics covered on this week’s episode.

  • First off, Disneyland will be saying goodbye to the Fantasyland Skybucket Chalet soon. It was announced that a permit has been filed for its demolition. What do you think about that?
  • Disney Infinity is saying goodbye. Is this something that will be missed or has it had a life well lived?
  • Disney Dollars are also gone. These have been used as both souvenirs and also as fun ways to spend money at Disney Theme Parks. Will you miss Disney dollars?
  • Finally, it’s time to make some wild Rogue One predictions. Any thoughts?

We hope you enjoy this week’s episode of Geeks Corner! Please let us know what you thought of the show!

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