On Tuesday, The Walt Disney Company announced that a fifth film will be added to the Indiana Jones franchise. Set for a release date of July 19, 2019, Dr. Jones, aka Harrison Ford, alongside director Steven Spielberg, will return to work on the latest film.
The film which is currently untitled, will include Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall as producers, according to the press release.
Famed archaeologist and explorer Indiana Jones was introduced in 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark – one of AFI’s 100 Greatest American Films of All Time – and later thrilled audiences in 1984’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The four films have brought in nearly $2 billion at the global box office.
Alan Horn, Chairman of The Walt Disney Studios, gave this statement, “Indiana Jones is one of the greatest heroes in cinematic history, and we can’t wait to bring him back to the screen in 2019. It’s rare to have such a perfect combination of director, producers, actor and role, and we couldn’t be more excited to embark on this adventure with Harrison and Steven.”
What are your thoughts on the new Indy film set for 2019?