More Star Wars, Less 5 - Geeks Corner - Episode 520

More Star Wars, Less T – Geeks Corner – Episode 520

More Star Wars, Less 5 - Geeks Corner - Episode 520
More Star Wars, Less 5 – Geeks Corner – Episode 520

Welcome to Geeks Corner! This week the show goes all over the place because there is a lot to talk about. There is Star Wars, Tall Ships, Food & Wine, Mad T Party, Walt Disney World, and more! Mr. DAPs is joined by Cameron, Hayley, and Melanie… but no penguin as of yet. One can hope though!

Topics covered on this week’s episode:

We hope you enjoy this week’s episode of Geeks Corner! Please share your ideas for DAPsies awards for the categories of: Movies, YouTube, People, Geekdom, The Corner.

Let’s go to the corner!