Fans of Disney’s animated classic, Beauty and the Beast, can celebrate as the stage show soon returns to Disneyland Park. With its temporary hiatus due to the Frozen show, Disney Parks Blog has since then announced that the show will once again return to Fantasy Faire in late spring.
You’re invited to be our guest later this spring, when Messieurs Smythe and Jones take us on an adventure in the great wide somewhere for a whimsical retelling of how Belle and the Beast met and fell in love – all with a happily ever after at the end, naturally!
The article goes on to say that the Frozen show itself will “soon melt away.” Not to be too disappointed as a larger scaled production of Frozen is set to open this summer at the Hyperion Theatre in Disney California Adventure Park.
So far, no official return date of Beauty and the Beast has been released. Stay tuned for more info.
For now, we leave you with a past showing of the stage production. What are your thoughts on the show’s return?