Spring has arrived and with it, flowers. The garden surrounding the railway continues to grow and hopefully soon will be flourishing. The main growth has come from the roses that are now starting to create some awesome natural tunnels for the train to steam through. In the future, there will be some wire arches to help train the roses to create a more solid tunnel. As they are currently growing they needed to be trimmed and propped up so that they would not impede the train’s travels.
As we like to do, the GoPro was set on the train for a Point-of-View video that was coupled with a couple of other viewpoints of how Mr. DAPs’ Railway is progressing.
As can be seen, the middle of the garden is still filling in a bit slower. The plants there are similar to the creeping growth that has done quite well on the rock tunnel. I’m expecting to have to be trimming these plants back from the edges of the track in the future as well when they fill in.
What do you think of the progress on the train so far?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs