It has always been interesting to me that the Mad Hatter store in Fantasyland really appears to be the White Rabbit’s home. I suppose I could dig into this more and find out why this is but it really has never gone beyond idle speculation before. In fact, just writing about it today takes it further than ever before. Maybe someone will have an answer though as to the story behind how the Mad Hatter set up shop in the White Rabbit’s home in Fantasyland. You don’t think it is the White Rabbit’s home? Take a look at the carrots everywhere inside. Take note at how much it looks just like the White Rabbit’s house in Alice in Wonderland. Oh, and then there is this door also that Alice is standing next to in this photo. So the question then becomes, why and how did the Mad Hatter take over the place for his shop? The other question is… where’s Mr. White Rabbit now? I’d be curious if there really is a backstory behind this shop and if so, what it is. Does anyone know?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs