Frozen is all over the place these days, and it isn’t just Disneyland I’m talking about. While Christmas shopping last night, I saw Frozen merchandise EVERYWHERE. There were dolls, toys, games, clothes, blankets, wrapping paper, bags, cards, Christmas stockings, and decorations… just to name a few things I happened to notice last night.
The other thing that was popping up everywhere? Umbrella stands. You know what I mean, they appear anytime there is a 10% chance of rain or more in Southern California. These random stands appear at the entrance to pretty much every story that is piled full of umbrellas of all shapes and sizes (there were probably Frozen umbrellas too but I missed them).
All this to say, I’d love to have some REAL Frozen weather come to Southern California. I love weather and the thought of it actually snowing… amuses me to no end. I just can’t imagine what it’d do. I do know this: Disneyland would be gorgeous with a blanket of snow!
Will this ever happen? Probably not. Instead, we’ll get some rain and if we are lucky the temperature will get down to 50 degrees or something. So I say: Bring on the ‘Cold!’ No, it’s not really cold but anything different makes for a good adventure and I’m ready for the adventure! So Elsa… bring us some cooler and wetter weather please? I know it is coming anyway so it shouldn’t be too difficult. In fact, it’s supposed to be the biggest storm in years so… that must be attributed to Queen Elsa right!? Or maybe just that Pineapple Express thing… Anyway, I’m looking forward to it!
Are you looking forward to some rainy/cooler weather?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs