Today, Disney Junior welcomes a brand new animated series. Kate & Mim-Mim is an adorable series that is bound to steal your heart. Premiering December 19 at 8 PM, viewers of all ages will see the world from Kate’s point of view.

Kate is a five year old little girl with the spirit of adventure in her heart. She is full of creativity and imagination. One day she can be a princess and the next, a cowboy. Her friend Mim-Mim is a lovable and huggable purple rabbit that likes to tell jokes and make people laugh. When on an adventure, Kate is always sure to have Mim-Mim by her side.
The first episode of this series is especially dedicated to Christmas. Titled ” A Christmas Wish,” Kate is worried about the snow outside and if her dad will make it home in time to help finish decorating the Christmas tree by putting up the star. To help her pass time, she and Mim-Mim venture to the land of Mimiloo. Here in Mimiloo, Mim-Mim comes to life. He has the most outgoing and energetic personality. Having lived with Kate for all these year, Mim-Mim knows all about Christmas and Santa Claus. But in Mimiloo, the rest of their pals do not know of Santa. It’s up to Kate and Mim-Mim to tell them all about this time of year.
When Kate finishes discussing the holiday season, her friends become inspired to decorate and send letters to Santa. Mimiloo becomes so festive, that even a beautiful tree lights up the area. In addition to the decorating, each of the residents in Mimiloo writes a letter to Santa, sharing what they would like for Christmas. The characters becomes so happy and excited in the hopes that Santa would visit Mimiloo. Without giving too much away, the letters to Santa have a problem reaching the North Pole. It’s up to Kate and Mim-Mim to make sure that this Christmas will be the best it can be. To find out what happens in Mimiloo, be sure to tune into tonight’s episode!
In this new series, children will get the chance to learn problem solving skills, friendships and the use of imagination. Creators of the show, Scott and Julie Stewart were inspired by their very own daughter. When asked about their inspiration, here is what they had to say, “We looked at our pigtailed spitfire, Kate, who was two years old at the time and obsessed with her plush bunny, Mim-Mim. Then we looked at our boys, William and Matthew, who were six and four years old at the time. They have absolutely wild and crazy ideas, and through them, we saw just how extraordinary children’s imaginations are. They gave us the idea to have Kate’s toy, Mim-Mim, come to life. Shortly thereafter, we created Mimiloo, a vivid world inspired by all three of them.”
Viewers will get a chance to see both the world of Kate at home and the world of Mimiloo. When she has an issue at home, a quick trip to Mimiloo helps her find a solution. Anything is possible in Mimiloo. With Mim-Mim and all her friends, adventure and fun is always on the agenda.
With today being the first episode, this series will be recurring daily. On Monday-Thursday at 8:00-9:00 PM and Saturday-Sunday at 4:30-5:00 PM, you can catch this series on the Disney Junior channel. Tonight’s special Christmas episode will air at 8 PM.
If you happen to see this new series, let me know what you think. So far, the character of Mim-Mim is my favorite. His humor and personality is great.