Welcome to our Thanksgiving week’s episode of Geeks Corner! Right off the bat, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We’d also like to thank all of those who joined in for the livestream! It was a lot of fun! For those of you who are just getting ready to watch this week’s episode… you are in for some fun. The Geeks are joined by Annie Hobbs of Annie Hobbs Illustration. She is a fantastic artist and definitely worth checking out her stuff! She also is friends with last week’s episode guest Amanda of Amanda Jane Designs who is also worth checking out!
To start this episode off, THREE new Super Turkeys were unveiled. This week, they included more Guardians of the Galaxy characters and also a special surprise by our very own Wizard Victor. Thanks Victor, it is a really awesome Super Turkey!
There has been a lot of activity happening surrounding Jurassic World. First a teaser for a trailer that was supposed to be released on Thanksgiving Day was released. Then the trailer was released two days early! And what a trailer it was. The Geeks of course chat about it. Here are the articles that were posted about the Jurassic World action this week:
- JURASSIC WORLD Trailer to Premiere Thursday November 27 – https://www.dapsmagic.com/2014/11/24/jurassic-world-trailer-premiere-thursday-november-27/
- Jurassic World Releases Teaser for Trailer – https://www.dapsmagic.com/2014/11/20/jurassic-world-releases-teaser-trailer/
- First Full Length Official Trailer for JURASSIC WORLD Released! – Watch it Here! – https://www.dapsmagic.com/2014/11/25/first-full-length-official-trailer-jurassic-world-released-watch/
Tragedy is coming to Sherlock in Series 4. Co-Creator Mark Gatiss broke the news that really shouldn’t be too unexpected for anyone who has read the books or seen the show. While there is still a year until any new Sherlock television content will be back, the news is starting to trickle out now. One bit of news is said tragedy and the Geeks speculate about the possibilities for that. The other is a couple of photos that the BBC posted. One photo depicts the script for the upcoming Christmas Special… in 2015. The other shows Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson dressed much as they would have if the show were to take place in the time of the original Sherlock Holmes. There is more discussion about this as well.
- Tragedy Coming to Sherlock Season 4 Says Co-Creator Mark Gatiss – https://www.dapsmagic.com/2014/11/21/tragedy-coming-sherlock-season-4-says-co-creator-mark-gatiss/
- Not Kidding… Sherlock is Back at 221b – https://www.dapsmagic.com/2014/11/25/not-kidding-sherlock-back-221b/
A trailer has been released for Disney’s live-action Cinderella movie. What did you think of it? Is it a hit? Will you love it? Is it beautiful? Is it original? These are the questions asked on Geeks Corner this week as Disney recreates another classic.
- Disney Releases Magical Cinderella Trailer – https://www.dapsmagic.com/2014/11/19/disney-releases-magical-cinderella-trailer/
On Sunday November 30, Mad T Party will be saying goodbye to Disney California Adventure and the Disneyland Resort. This has become quite the hangout and some are already lamenting it leaving, supposedly until it will return in May. What are your thoughts? Will you miss it?
- Disney California Adventure’s Mad T Party to End November 30 – https://www.dapsmagic.com/2014/11/17/disney-california-adventures-mad-t-party-end-november-30/
Finally, since Annie is a guest she gets to play a game. This week, it’s time for Disney trivia! See how Annie does with these questions chosen specifically for her by Murray the Bellhop.
We hope you enjoy this week’s Geeks Corner! Have a very happy Thanksgiving! Please subscribe, share, and comment on this episode so we can continue to get feedback and ideas. Also, we just like interacting with you.
Let’s go to the corner!
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