A Look at 'Disney Paint The Night' Coming to Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland's Disney Paint the Night Parade
Hong Kong Disneyland’s Disney Paint the Night Parade

Several months ago Hong Kong Disneyland announced that it would be bringing a night parade this coming October. Now fans around the world can get a small taste of what it is like from a brief demonstration that took place in Hong Kong. The following video was taken by Hong Kong Main Street Gazette and posted on YouTube:

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Disney Paint the Night Description

Using a magic paintbrush and his vivid imagination, Sorcerer Mickey will light up the night with dazzling colors at the launch of “Disney Paint The Night”, the new nighttime spectacular coming to Hong Kong Disneyland in October 2014! The parade will mark Hong Kong Disneyland’s newest chapter after the completion of its three-part expansion project last year. It will appeal to both families and young adults, further boosting the attendance and business of the resort.
“Disney Paint The Night” will immerse guests in the color, energy and magic of an all-new nighttime spectacular through interactivity, inviting them to paint the night with their favorite colors.
Harnessing the scintillating power of Tinker Bell’s pixie dust, Mickey has enchanted his brush and painted visions inspired by classic Disney Pixar stories! Lightning McQueen, Sulley & Mike will be found in a Hong Kong Disneyland parade for the first time ever. Tinker Bell, Ariel, Belle, Buzz Lightyear & Woody, and many other beloved Disney friends will also immerse onlookers in a world of light and color along Main Street, U.S.A. each and every night. The night has changed forevermore!
So what do you think?