From the Meows Eisley Cantuna on the desert planet of Catooine, to the giant tennis ball of the Dog Star, the adventures of Duke Mousepouncer begin with The Pet Collective’s newest “Petody”: PAW WARZ.
“These are not the toys you’re looking for,” Ol’ Bengal Catobi tries to persuade cat-eared Poopscoopers using the ways of the Furs. Does it work? Find out here:
A second episode of the parody that blends Internet cats with the world’s most famous space adventure followed the next week, answering the oft-debated question: Did Haz Alone shoot first?
But the videos are only the beginning of the PAW WARZ Saga (since every saga must have a beginning). They’ll be presented weekly on The Pet Collective, the leading pet-themed channel on YouTube — and poducers of the short parodies have also created a companion website that offers more details on the PAW WARZ galaxy, from spaceships (like the Rex Wing Fighter), characters (including See 3Meow, Boop Boop Beep Boop and Toada) and planets like Dogobath. With help from fans and the Pet Collective community, the PAW WARZ website will continue to grow.
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