D23 Offers an Up Close and Personal Look at 2012

DAPs Magic Magic Disney News – by Mr. DAPs 

On December 1, 2011 D23 invited several online media members up to The Walt Disney Studios to have a look at what was in store for D23, the official Disney fan club, in the year 2012. The day began with a look at the Walt Disney Archives with an amazing presentation by Director of Archives Becky Cline. Following this incredible experience, the group was moved to a small theater in the Frank G. Wells building for the (in)formal presentation about what was in store for D23 in 2012 and what D23 had done in the past year.

The presentation was led by D23 head Steven Clark and Tim O’Day. The two of them made wonderful hosts. As people entered the theater they were approachable and chatting with everyone. They created a relaxed and fun atmosphere that continued throughout the presentation. They talked about many of the events from the last year and then moved into the upcoming events for 2012. The events that they shared about can be found here.

The details of the events are very fun and very exciting and will be updated here throughout the year but what is even more exciting is getting a glimpse at the people who run D23. This presentation really offered a look at the people who make these events happen. These people are, to use the cliche word, magical. They know how to create magic in big ways and also in the little ways. Magic comes from how people are treated as much as from special effects and experiences. These D23 people know how to make people feel valued, important, and appreciated. These really are the first ingredients to creating magical experiences. Couple this with the locations and events that are coming for D23 members this coming year and the result will be a year full of amazing memories made!

2012 is going to be an amazing year for D23 members. If you aren’t a member yet, you can become one by going to