Disney Film Spot: An Introduction

walt disney film spot

Welcome to a new segment on Geeks Corner.

For the past few years, I have been doing Song Saturdays on DAPs Magic where every week, I would analyze and review a different Disney song. Given that I have almost exhausted that rather large cache of songs, Mr. DAPs and I have decided to create Disney Film Spot, a segment that closely examines various Walt Disney productions, analytically, historically, and through the eyes of both film criticism and film theory.

Using my animation background and love of Disney films, my wish is for Disney Film Spot will steer away from standard movie reviews and veer more towards the academic papers that film critics and historians such as Roger Ebert and Leonard Maltin would write. I will be putting each Disney film under close microscopic examination, put them into historical context, understand their initial and global significance, as well as the major themes and motifs that made them what they were.

Hopefully this will prove both enlightening and fun!

Because these essays require an academic and well-researched approach, they will not always come out every week, but whenever I can get to them inbetween my busy schedule. However, when they do come out, expect something lengthy, interesting, and well worth the wait!

As animation is my strongest subject, I will start with the official animated features released by the Walt Disney Animation Studio.

First up on Disney Film Spot…Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!

Be Fantasmic!
-Wizard Victor