D23 Offers a Look at Famous Disney Hats

DAPs Magic Disney News – by Mr. DAPs 

Last week, several online media journalists/bloggers were invited to the Walt Disney Studios by D23, the official Disney fan club. What was billed as a look at the coming year’s events for D23 ended up being so much more. An overview of this day can be found here, but it seems also fitting to go into specific elements of the day in more depth.

The day began with a welcome by our wonderful hosts in the lobby of the Frank G. Wells building. We were encouraged to look around the lobby while last minute details were being taken care of. There were costumes, toys, and many other exhibits to be found in the lobby. There was one specific one that caught my attention however. It will come as no surprise to anyone who watches Geeks Corner or reads my columns that the display that caught my attention focused solely on hats. Yes, that’s right. There were two display cases packed to the brim with hats.

This clearly was awesome and while looking through the shelves, many of the hats were recognizable from favorite Disney movies. Take a few seconds if you want and click on the photo to make it bigger and see if there are any hats that YOU recognize! Is there a favorite in there? Then, leave a comment below on which one you choose as your favorite.

There are many more highlights from the day at The Walt Disney Studios for this special D23 event but you’ll just have to come back and check in on them as they get written!