Tag: Star Trek
Here Are the Star Trek Series Arriving in 2024
2023 was a very good year to be a Star Trek fan. The year saw multiple series arriving on Paramount+, the official home for most of Star Trek. Not since the days of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager when it seemed like there was always new…
Star Trek Fan Releases ‘You’re a Mean One, Mr. Spock’ Video For The Holidays
For many families, watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas is an annual tradition. This animated classic introduced the world to You‘re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch, which was sung in the 1966 special by Thurl Ravenscroft. Fast forward multiple decades and a new version of the song has been released. It takes the song into the the Star Trek:…
‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Warps To Netflix on December 25
Star Trek: Prodigy got dropped earlier this year by Paramount+. Now the show has a new home on Netflix. The first season of this animated show will be arriving on the streaming service for Christmas on December 25, 2023. This comes ahead of the second season debuting on Netflix in 2024. The arrival of Star…
First Official Set Photo Released For Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3
The first official set photo has been released for the third season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. The photo shows a clapper just before a scene is shot with Celia Rose Gooding as Nyota Uhura on the bridge of the Enterprise. The caption for the photo reads: “Hailing frequencies are open. Hello from the…
Release Window for Season 5 of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Announced
The release window for the fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery has been announced. At CCXP in São Paulo, Brazil, Paramount+ shared a clip from the upcoming season and also revealed that it will be warping onto the streaming service in April of 2024. The clip didn’t give away a ton about the…
Two Captains Log: “Star Trek: Lower Decks” S4E10 “Old Friends, New Planets” Review
We’ve reached the season finale of Lower Decks! When we last left them, Mariner was beamed aboard Nick Locarno’s ship. We pick up where things left off, and Locarno explains how he has built a Nova Fleet to be independent, and a sort of revenge for getting kicked out of Starfleet. Mariner remembers how he…
Two Captains Log: “Star Trek: Lower Decks” S4E7 “A Few Badgeys More”
This week’s Lower Decks was packed with returning villains. Badgey has infiltrated Rutherford’s former implant and is taken aboard a salvage ship. He is able to take over the crew and salvage holo-emmitters. The ship encounters a Binar ship that has been attacked by the strange ship that has attacked many others in past episodes.…
‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Heading to Netflix
Star Trek: Prodigy has a new home. Today it was announced that the animated Star Trek series will be heading to Netflix. This comes after it was dropped by Paramount+ earlier this year. The second season of the series will be heading to Netflix in 2024. The first season, which previously aired on Paramount+, will…
Three Conditions Patrick Stewart Had Before Joining ‘Star Trek: Picard’
Star Trek: Picard is now over after three seasons on Paramount+. This series saw the return of Patrick Stewart as now-admiral Jean-Luc Picard. It has been no secret that getting him to do this took some work by Star Trek head Alex Kurtzman and other producers. Now, more details are being shared about how this…
The Different Sizes of the USS Enterprise in ‘Star Trek’
It is a great time to be a Star Trek fan. Earlier this year, we looked at all the different ships to carry the name Enterprise. This was a look at all the iterations of the USS Enterprise as seen through all the Star Trek series and movies. Since 1966, the Enterprise has been a…
Two Captains Log: “Star Trek: Lower Decks” S4E6 – “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place” Review
Here we are with another Lower Decks week, and this is a very crucial episode in Trek history. Ferenginar and the Ferengi are ready to join the Federation. This also comes after the mysterious ship is seen attacking a Ferengi ship. Rom, the Grand Nagus, can’t keep trading actively with the ship and needs more…
Synopsis and Photos Released for “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place” Episode 406 of “Star Trek: Lower Decks”
Recently, Star Trek: Lower Decks took an adventure to the home planet of the Orions. This week, there is another home planet that will be visited. This time it is the Ferengi homeworld. This comes as Star Trek: Lower Decks heads into the second half of its fourth season. This week’s episode, Parth Ferengi’s Heart…
Two Captains Log: “Star Trek: Lower Decks” S4E5 – “Empathological Fallacies” Review
We’ve reached another Lower Decks episode so soon! In “Empathological Fallacies,” the Cerritos is escorting a trio of Betazoids to Risa. The three immediately begin their partying, and suck the crew into it as well. In the lounge, chaos ensues and it seems that the three have telepathically influenced the crew to let loose. Meanwhile,…
Two Captains Log: “Star Trek: Lower Decks” – S4E4 “Something Borrowed, Something Green” Review
We are back with another look at the weekly Star Trek offerings, though a little delayed. Something Borrowed, Something Green opens with an Orion ship being attacked by the mysterious ship that has been attacking other ships. Then, Tendi is invited to her sister’s wedding on Orion, and Becket and T’Lyn talk themselves into coming…
Synopsis and Photos Released for “Empathalogical Fallacies” Episode 405 of “Star Trek: Lower Decks”
It’s hard to believe it but this week Star Trek: Lower Decks finds itself halfway through this season. This week, after a visit to Orion, there are some visitors on the Cerritos. This week’s episode is called Empathalogical Fallacies and was written by Jamie Loftus and directed by Megan Lloyd. It will begin streaming on…
Synopsis and Images Released for “Something Borrowed, Something Green” Episode 404 of “Star Trek: Lower Decks”
Star Trek: Lower Decks is continuing its voyage through its fourth season. On this week’s episode, the Cerritos will be boldly going somewhere that has never been seen before in Star Trek. Unsurprisingly from the title for the episode, it has something to do with something green… or someplace perhaps? This week’s episode is called…
Two Captains Log: “Star Trek: Lower Decks” – S4E3 “In the Cradle of Vexilon” Review
Lower Decks is plowing ahead with the recent promotions of the main characters. Captain Freeman is trying to fix an ancient computer, Vexilon, that regulates the environment of an artificial planet. She starts to upgrade the operating system, but it freezes the computer which causes chaos across the planet. Boimler is on the surface with…
Synopsis and Photos Released for “In the Cradle of Vexilon” Episode 403 of “Star Trek: Lower Decks”
Star Trek: Lower Decks is boldly warping into its third seasons and going where no Lower Decks seasons have gone before. This is done mainly in the form of promoting most of those in the lower decks! Last week, the first two episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks were released to kick off the fourth…
Two Captains Log: Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 “Twovix” and “I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee” Review
We are back from shore leave with two episodes of Lower Decks! The season begins with some impending promotions, though Boimler is scared in some way over them (typical Boims). The Cerritos has a mission to help with the making of an exhibit out of the decommissioned Voyager which will also showcase all her key…
Two Captains Shore Leave: Star Trek: The Animated Series – “One of Our Planets is Missing” Review
The “shore leave” is almost at an end as Lower Decks is set to return soon. But, we take a look at another Animated Series episode where the Enterprise encounters a giant space cloud that seems to consume whole planets! The cloud begins to go after an inhabited planet, and will destroy it in 4…
Images Released for First Two Episodes of Season Four of “Star Trek: Lower Decks”
Ahead of the arrival of the first two episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks on Paramount+ on September 7, 2023, photos have been released that give a glimpse at what will be seen at the start of the fourth season. The first episode is called Twovix and the second is I Have No Bones Yet…
“Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” is Boldly Going to Network Television on CBS
Since debuting in 2022, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has been viewable by Star Trek fans in the United States exclusively on Paramount+. This will soon be changing though. The adventures of Captain Pike and the crew of the Enterprise will soon be seen on CBS. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds will be airing on…
Two Captains Shore Leave: Star Trek: The Animated Series – “Yesteryear” Review
As we wait for the next season premiere for a Star Trek show, we are looking at Star Trek: The Animated Series and giving our takes on the episodes. This week is “Yesteryear” which focuses on Spock. The episode begins with Kirk and an away team emerging from The Guardian, which has let them go…