
Why Rian Johnson’s Controversial Star Wars: The Last Jedi is Good for Star Wars

Let's face it, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is controversial. The level of controversy surrounding this movie most likely came…

7 years ago

Cruising to Cozy Cone Motel: Champion’s Corn Cup

Champion's Corn Cup: New Snack on the Block A new addition to the Cozy Cone Motel's line up is the…

7 years ago

Hungry Bear Restaurant Offers Delightful American Classics

Hungry Bear Menu Located in Critter Country, Hungry Bear is an all-American quick service restaurant. The menu includes burgers, a…

7 years ago

10 Most Under-Appreciated Disney Songs

Quick, think of your favorite Disney song! For most of us, that's a pretty difficult task. The Disney cannon of…

7 years ago


  It is awesome to be a geek, especially a Disney geek. At DAPS MAGIC, we strive to create a positive…

7 years ago

Disneyland: It’s All About the Experience

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byeJNdU0pSs Recently I had the good, or perhaps not so good, fortune to be arrested by the First Order while…

7 years ago

New Indiana Jones Film: 5 Ways to Make it Right

Recently, Disney announced a new upcoming film in the Indiana Jones series, with Harrison Ford returning to don the fedora…

7 years ago

The Disneyland Resort and the Power of Nostalgia

Disneyland Resort bills itself quite often as "the place where dreams come true." For many, the dreams coming true are…

8 years ago

8 Biggest Movie Annoyances

There are two things movie geeks love more than anything else: Movies, and complaining about movies. I myself enjoy/loathe many…

8 years ago

The Problem with Prequels

As a movie geek and a fan, I like a great many things. A lot of these things can be…

8 years ago

Why You Shouldn’t Obsess Over the Bounty Hunter: A Hard Look at a Fandom

My dear, dear geeks…. It’s time. It’s time to talk about the worst character in the Star Wars films. Nope.…

9 years ago

The Dark Side of Marketing: Why You Should Brace Yourself For A Possible Failure

There’s been an awakening. Have you felt it? Because every other geek on the planet is freaking out about it.…

9 years ago

Disneyland Premium Experience – What Would You Want?

Disneyland and even Walt Disney World has offered unique guest experiences....for a price.  Recently, the Jungle Cruise Sunrise Safari Breakfast…

9 years ago

Let the Snow Rage On

Disneyland has Frozen a bit. Let's face it, it seems to be everywhere you look and really that isn't necessarily…

10 years ago

Something Better Than FastPass?

Recently there has been an influx of implementation of FastPass at the Disneyland Resort.  With the premier of Frozen Fun…

10 years ago

Thoughts on Disneyland & Starbucks by Mr. DAPs

Next week Starbucks will be opening on Main Street, USA at what was once the Market House and Disneyana stores.…

11 years ago

The Joy of Standing in Line

When people recount a trip to Disneyland they usually have plenty to say about their favorite rides, restaurants, and shows,…

20 years ago