Tag: Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
Construction Mystery Revealed – 30 Years Ago at Disneyland
Last month’s column left us with a bit of a cliffhanger (at least, a cliffhanger thirty years ago). What was that very large structure rising up all the way out in the parking lot where the Eeyore section used to be? It was definitely looking more substantial as the steel skeleton was being filled in.…
Indiana Jones Adventure to Get Major Refurbishment for 25th Anniversary
Next year, gear up to go on another epic adventure! Indiana Jones Adventure will be undergoing a major refurbishment in 2020, one that could restore effects that fans have loved for nearly 25 years. No matter what happens, we can’t wait to see how this ancient temple transforms to welcome new guests! While it is…
Unwrapping the Presents of Disney Movie-Based Attractions
As a kid, I loved Indiana Jones. I loved the adventures, the music, and our daring hero who wasn’t afraid of danger, only snakes. The only problem was that I had never seen the movies. Now, my lack of movie knowledge is nothing out of the ordinary for me. Growing up, I had never seen most…