Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway is a dark ride attraction located in Mickey’s Toontown at Disneyland park in Anaheim, California. The ride is based on the recent animated series “Mickey Mouse” and takes guests on an exciting adventure through a cartoon world.
The ride begins with guests entering the El Capitoon Theater, where they are welcomed by a cast member who directs them to a pre-show area. In the pre-show, guests watch an animated short featuring Mickey Mouse and his friends as they plan a picnic in Runnamuck Park.
After the pre-show, guests board a train headed for Runnamuck Railroad Station. As they begin their journey, the train suddenly goes off the rails and guests find themselves transported into the cartoon world. The train cars are separated, and guests find themselves riding in their own unique train car with its own special theme.
Throughout the ride, guests encounter all sorts of wacky and zany cartoon characters, including Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, and more. The ride features a combination of 2D and 3D animation, as well as special effects such as wind, water, and smoke.
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway is a fun and exciting ride that combines classic Disney characters with cutting-edge technology to create a unique and memorable experience for guests of all ages.