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Pirate’s Lair on Tom Sawyer Island is an attraction located in Disneyland’s Frontierland that offers guests a chance to explore an interactive island filled with pirate-themed adventures and activities.

The island is accessible via a short raft ride across the Rivers of America, and upon arrival, guests are transported back in time to the era of Tom Sawyer and pirates. The island features a variety of interactive experiences and attractions, including hidden caves, a pirate ship, and a treasure-filled dungeon.

One of the highlights of Pirate’s Lair on Tom Sawyer Island is the Pirates’ Lair on Tom Sawyer Island Rafts, which take guests back and forth from the mainland to the island. Guests can also explore the many paths and trails on the island, which wind through dense forests, over bridges, and past waterfalls.

The island also features a variety of interactive elements, such as water cannons that guests can use to shoot at targets, and hidden caves that lead to secret treasure rooms. Guests can also explore the pirate ship, a floating bridge, and see Fort Wilderness.

Overall, Pirate’s Lair on Tom Sawyer Island is a fun and interactive attraction that offers guests a chance to explore a pirate-themed island and experience the world of Tom Sawyer and pirates. Whether you’re a fan of pirate lore or just looking for a break from the excitement of the park, this attraction is definitely worth a visit.