Category: Johnny 5
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Viewing Guide
With the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron coming to theatres May 1st, it seems like a good time to sit down and look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole. And since “It’s All Connected”, I thought I’d throw together a quick little guide for you of what to watch, and in what order…
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD – A Fractured House (S2E6): Review
First of all, a big thank you to Danie for taking over last week, as I was unable to watch that episode until Saturday. Luckily, that just meant I didn’t have to wait quite as long for this one. A lot is going down in the world o’ SHIELD, and it looks like we have…
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Shadows (S2E1) – Review
Oh, man. Oh man oh man oh man. I have been waiting for this blog entry since…well, since Season One ended. AGENTS OF SHIELD IS BACK! Now, if you haven’t seen this episode yet, or if for some unimaginable reason you aren’t caught up on last season or the movies, you have to stop reading…