Walt Disney World Annual Passholder

Walt Disney World Resort Adjusts Monthly Payment Program for Annual Passes

Walt Disney World Resort has adjusted how Annual Passholders, who pay monthly, will be paying. The Annual Passholder Florida Resident Monthly Payment Program has been changed to raise the monthly payment and lower the down payment. It did not change the price of the Annual Passes.

Cinderella Castle - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World Resort

Before the adjustment, a down payment of $205 was required for the Annual Passholder Florida Resident Monthly Payment Program. As the name implies, only Florida residents are eligible for the monthly payment program. Now, the new down payment will only be $99. To offset the down payment change, the monthly price for Annual Passholders has gone up by $8. The new payment plan is as follows:

Annual PassFull PriceNew Monthly PricePrevious Monthly Price
Pixie Dust Pass$469 plus tax$99 Down + $34  Monthly$205 Down + $25 Monthly
Pirate Pass$829 plus tax$99 Down + $66 Monthly$205 Down + $57 Monthly
Sorcerer Pass$1,079 plus tax$99 Down + $88 Monthly$205 Down + $79 Monthly
Incredi-Pass$1,549 plus tax$99 Down + $130 Monthly $205 Down + $121 Monthly

The monthly payment program has a 0% APR for Florida residents who utilize it. The Pixie Dust Pass and Pirate Pass are only available to Florida residents. The Sorcerer Pass is available solely to Florida residents and eligible Disney Vacation Club members. The Incredi-Pass is available to all guests. With all passes, the reservation system is still utilized.

More details and benefits for being a Walt Disney World Annual Passholder can be found on the Walt Disney World website. What do you think of this adjustment to the monthly payment program? Do you utilize it? Are you going to? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!