Disneyland Paris - Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - Rivers of America

On World Water Day Disneyland Paris Shares Conservation Efforts

March 22 is World Water Day. This is an annual United Nations observance that highlights the importance of fresh water. For this day, Disneyland Paris shared how it preserves water. It has many different ways this is done. Check them out below!

World Water Day: focus on the actions taken by Disneyland Paris to protect water resource 

Water is essential to ecosystems, a vital resource for communities and crucial for our operations. Our strategy for preserving it is based on optimizing our consumption of drinking water and reusing existing water resources.  

Our wastewater treatment plant, installed in our backstage since 2013, represents a key element of our strategy. Thanks to this plant, up to 3,500 mof wastewater are collected and treated every day – which represent 300,000m3 per year, equivalent of 120 Olympic-sized swimming pools! This water is then used to clean roads or water green spaces.  

Our Horticulture teams practice reasoned watering to conserve water use. The teams implement a continuous improvement process, for example by selecting plants that consume less water and are more resilient to climate change. 

These are just a few examples of our initiatives, that also include the progressive replacement of showerheads in our hotels. We have also replaced the toilet flushes in our parks with a new intelligent system, saving 188,000 m3 of drinking water in 2024*.  

Since 2012, we have reduced our drinking water consumption by 24% and are continuing our efforts in this direction.  

Find out more about the environmental strategy of the resort: here 

*Compared with 2023