The Jungle Cruise underwent a refurbishment earlier this year. When it reopened, it wasn’t quite finished. The tiger at the beginning of the attraction was still surrounded by walls instead of the shine that it traditionally crouched underneath. Over the weekend, this changed.
Guests visiting Disneyland on Sunday noticed that the walls had been removed. In their place, a new shrine could be seen. This new shrine is more vibrant and appears to be more detailed than the one that stood in its place before. The tiger that stands underneath continues to look as menacing as ever. This provides lots of opportunities for Skippers to make jokes.
Daps Magic team member Steven stopped by Disneyland on Monday and took photos of the new shrine around the tiger. Check out his photos here:

What do you think of the new shrine around the tiger in the Jungle Cruise? Is it better than the one before? What do you like most about it? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!