This morning as I arrived at Starbucks I was handed a holiday cup. It surprised me a little bit but my surprise was quickly overcome when I saw the message on the side of the cup: keep kind. Now, anyone who has been around Daps Magic for any significant amount of time knows that we are strong proponents of keeping kind. In fact, we have a #keepkind initiative to encourage kindness and make the world a better place one kind act at a time.

As I have been working my way through my Americano, my mind started wandering as I contemplated this holiday message. At first, I was amused and posted on social media that Starbucks was following Daps Magic’s lead with our #keepkind initiative. As I continued to think about it, I realized it was a good reminder to actively keep kind. It isn’t just a hashtag, it isn’t just a fun slogan on a cup, it is a call to action.
A Month of Gratitude
November kicks off the holiday season. The biggest holiday in November (at least in my world) is Thanksgiving. As I thought more about this, I realized it is the perfect time to actively continue with the #keepkind initiative this month by focusing it on gratitude! My idea is very simple: Every time you have a chance to sincerely thank someone, do it. A mentor of mine once said, “What you focus on grows.” Let’s help grow gratitude and the goodwill that comes from being thankful. Sharing gratitude with someone doesn’t just make them feel good, it also makes the person being thankful feel more positive too. Everyone ones!
As we go through the month of November, let’s look for moments to say “thank you.” This could be when getting a cup of coffee, getting aboard an attraction Disneyland, or perhaps just after being helped at a store. There are so many overlooked opportunities to #keepkind and make the world a better place one little action at a time. Let’s commit to one month of gratitude and see what happens! What do you think?
Share your stories of saying “thank you” on social media with us using #keepkind!