In 2021, Walt Disney Animation Studios released Encanto. This is the story of family in Columbia named the Madrigals. The live in a place in Columbia called Encanto. The magic of Encanto is that every member of the family has been blessed with a magical gift… other than Mirabel. However, when it is discovered that the magic of Encanto seems to be in danger, Mirabel might be their only hope. This movie has fantastic music, characters, and moments. It also is based in Columbia which happens to have some incredible food.
Disney Encanto: The Official Cookbook is a new cookbook that was released on May 28, 2024. This cookbook is basically Columbian food 101. It has instructions and menus that are inspired by this beautiful country and La Casita. This is billed as a family-friendly cookbook that has recipes for appetizers, to mains, to desserts, and a whole lot more. With over 70 dishes, there are plenty of recipes to be explored and enjoyed by fans of this movie and Columbian food. Just some of the popular recipes are for Arepas, Ajiaco Colombiano Soup, and so much more. This book has wonderful photography, nutritional information, and also tips and tricks.
Let’s get down to the business. This is a recipe book that celebrates the culture that is seen in Disney’s Encanto. There are a ton of recipes that are accessible for cooks of all ages and skill level. They aren’t too hard and they also have information that helps make the things more challenging easier. The beginning of the book even has an ingredient guide and there is a metric conversion chart at the end. In between I found the recipes to accessible and fun. There are also not only photos of the food but of favorite Encanto characters.
There is a variety of different recipes included in this cookbook. Basically, an entire Columbian meal could be created with this cookbook alone. There are also drink recipes as well. The variety of recipes give options so just about anyone will find a recipe that they will enjoy. The directions are straight forward and easy to follow. Each recipe also has a degree of difficulty at the top of the page. There is also a brief description about each recipe as well, sometimes connecting them to the film. Overall, this is a very accessible cookbook.
There have been quite a few of these cookbooks released in recent years. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the quality of these cookbooks and the amount of fun in them. They are great for family time cooking together. This one is no exception. I really hope they keep making more of these as they really are a lot of fun and also have some delicious recipes as well. I definitely take my hat off to this cookbook and am looking forward to working my way through more recipes in it!
Daps Magic received a sample product or experience for this review in exchange for an honest review. The views of the reviewer are wholly their own. Read full disclosure policy at
Mr. DAPs Hat Rating Scale
- No Hat – Didn’t meet expectations
- Hat Nod – It was ok
- Hat Tip – It was good
- Hat’s Off – Loved it!