Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Droids

BDX Droids Heading to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland for Season of the Force

Some adorable little droids are about to being making appearances at Disneyland’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. Guests visiting the land during Season of the Force might have the chance to bump into three little BDX droids. They will be appearing in various locations throughout Batuu during Season of the Force from April 5 through June 2, 2024.

Clever Droids

These BD-X droids aren’t just cute, but also quite sophisticated. The technology utilized to bring them to life give them the ability to learn 12 days of information in about 4 hours thanks to the power of digital environments and computers. This was demonstrated to Daps Magic recently when we were invited up to Walt Disney Imagineering when Imagineering Lanny Smoot was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. During a demonstration with members of the media, these droids showed their ability to interact with each other and also others. They each have individual personalities as well. They really are incredible and should not be missed during Season of the Force at Disneyland!

Let’s Go To Disneyland… Again!

The arrival of these BD-X droids at Disneyland isn’t the first time they have appeared at The Happiest Place On Earth! Last October, a trio of these droids arrived and spent a day delighting guests. Daps Magic was able to get photos and video of their visit to Black Spire Outpost. Shortly after, Disney CEO Bob Iger and Disney Experiences Chairman Josh D’Amaro stopped by Walt Disney Imagineering to check these little guys out. After their visit, Josh shared on instagram, “We’re so excited about the variety of ways our Imagineers are bringing new and innovative characters to life using sophisticated technology hidden in little droids like these!”

Shortly after, Disney shared a description about them saying, “Constantly evolving, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge continues to surprise visitors with new attractions and inventive features developed by Disney’s Imagineers. By bringing memorable Star Wars characters to life and giving guests the chance to interact with them, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge bridges the gap between sci-fi and reality, transporting guests to a galaxy far, far away.”

At the time, Disney also shared how droids have always been an integral part of the Star Wars story and that there was hope for the future for those who wanted more droids to visit. “Imagineers are working hard to make these friendly droids a part of the park experience, with the possibility for interactive droids to be a continued feature at Disneyland. Much like previous advancements in Disney entertainment technology, animation made the development of three small experimental droids possible. Artists animated keyframe movements that the new droids could read and mimic. These motions include dances, head tilts and even a red-eyed glare.”

When visiting Walt Disney Imagineering earlier this year, it wasn’t known if or when these droids would be making a return to the theme parks. Their arrival at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will definitely be welcomed by fans who have seen the videos and photos of these BD-X Droids in the last year. They will be just one exciting thing to experience during Season of the Force at Disneyland. There will also be updates to Star Tours: The Adventure Continues, Fire of the Rising Moons fireworks experience in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, and a whole lot more (including food and merchandise).

What do you think about the BDX droids visiting Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland? Are you excited to see them? Daps Magic will do our very best to get photos and videos of them up on the website and YouTube channel as quickly as possible. Be sure to follow along! What are you most looking forward to at Disneyland during Season of the Force? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!