An open house for DisneylandForward will be held Wednesday, April 10, 2024 (tonight) at the Anaheim Downtown Community Center. This will give those interested in DisneylandForward the chance to learn what it is all about ahead of it being discussed during the City Council meeting on Tuesday April 16, 2024. The event is being held from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Here is the address for this event:
Anaheim Downtown Community Center
250 E. Center Street
Anaheim, CA 92805
Here is the official description for this event:
The city of Anaheim is hosting an informational open house to discuss DisneylandForward and provide an opportunity for City Staff to answer questions. This event will be held in an informal, open house setting, with doors opening at 5:30 pm, however you are free to drop by anytime between 6 and 8 pm. If you are interested in DisneylandForward, we hope you will take some time to attend this community forum.
There is free parking at the Anaheim Downtown Community Center in the lat that is directly adjacent to the community center. There is additional parking at the following two locations:
Anaheim City Hall Parking Garage
220 Mito Way
Anaheim, CA 92805
Anaheim Civic Center
200 S. Anaheim Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92805
About DisneylandForward:

DisneylandForward is a proposal to update where types of development can go and how they mix on land Disney owns or operates on around its Anaheim theme parks.
The proposal calls for allowing theme park attractions alongside hotels on the west side of Disneyland Drive and theme park attractions alongside new shopping, dining and entertainment to the southeast on what is today the Toy Story Parking Area.
The proposal also calls for additional and new parking east and north of the theme parks and potential foot bridges across Harbor Boulevard and Disneyland Drive.
The proposal does not request any new acreage, square footage or hotel rooms to be developed. Instead, it would shift already approved development amounts across land Disney owns.
The proposal also calls for Disney to pay $39.6 million to take on responsibility for Magic Way, a road 1,150 feet in length from Disneyland Drive to Walnut Street, and for entry drives into Disney parking at Clementine Street, at 575 feet in length, and Hotel Way, at 125 feet in length. Payment would also go to remove planned extensions of Clementine and Gene Autry Way.
We are looking at transferring responsibility to relieve public costs for roadways that primarily serve and benefit Disney.
DisneylandForward also includes proposed community benefits paid by Disney, including $30 million for affordable housing, $8 million for city parks and $50 million for street and sewer improvements, among other benefits.
Proposed zoning changes could allow for the building of attractions in Anaheim like those seen at Disney parks across the world. Under the proposal, Disney would commit to investing a minimum of $1.9 billion in Anaheim in 10 years.
We don’t know what exactly might be built at this early stage. We are studying an updated mix of uses, rather than a specific new land, attraction or other use. If new zoning is adopted, individual projects would still undergo city planning review.
Anaheim is open to evaluating DisneylandForward because of what visitors mean to our city. Visitors account for more than half the revenue we use to serve our residents with police, fire, libraries, community services and to pay down city debt.
Continued growth of The Anaheim Resort helps us serve residents, businesses and visitors.
More information about DisneylandForward can be found on the Anaheim website, here. What do you think of DisneylandForward and this open house? Will you be attending it? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!