Jerry Ciccoritti, best known as director of “Schitt’s Creek,” is set to direct “Leavening.” “Leavening” is a dramatic series based on the life of Diana Rutherford, a young woman on a quest to become a high end New York City chef after escaping the confines of an oppressive religious cult. Ciccoritti, one of Canada’s most provocative and in-demand directors, has directed feature films, television movies, min-series, and has garnered accolades in all mediums over the course of his career. Most recently, Ciccoritti was lead director for the Netflix/Sony series, “My Life with the Walter Boys.”
“I’m thrilled to be working on this material, and with this passionate team. You can’t beat a story where cooking for people helps you escape something bad and start a brand new life, “said Ciccoritti.
“Leavening” is produced by Jae McCadden of Tubby Town Films (Love for an Iron Horse) Susan Michels, SWE Films *Son Of The South), and Shayla Hudson Riggle of Tenth Wonder & Hudson Sterling Frim (Gods of Empires.)
McCadden’s Tubby Town Films acquired the exclusive rights to Rutherford’s story, which was feature in an article from The New York Times.
Ciccoritti is represented by Oscars Abrams Zimel & Associates.