Pixar Place Hotel Soundtrack

Pixar Place Hotel Soundtrack Released on Music Streaming Services

Ahead of its official opening on January 30, the Pixar Place Hotel has released a soundtrack for this reimagined hotel at the Disneyland Resort. The album contains ten tracks that are pulled from across different Pixar movies. These recordings add a different vibe that will be unique for this hotel at the Disneyland Hotel.

Pixar Place Hotel Soundtrack Track List

  1. The Incredits – Cartographerr
  2. Remember Me – Chantry Johnson
  3. Define Dancing – Brain Tan
  4. Nobody Like U – Last Trip to the Moon
  5. Married Life – PK, The Heavyweights
  6. Bundle of Joy – Tomas Kovaks, Terry Joiner
  7. Le Festin – ASHER YELO
  8. You’ve Got a Friend in Me – John Wilhelm, Keigan Jones
  9. Touch the Sky – Simon Oscroft
  10. Born to Play – Jintae Ko

The full soundtrack can be listened to here:

Daps Magic will be covering the opening of Pixar Place Hotel on January 30, 2024. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to not miss any of the updates about this newest hotel at the Disneyland Resort! What do you think of this soundtrack? What is your favorite song on it? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!